ERP-System |DOKUplan

DOKUplan is a ERP

Software for (E)nterprise-(R)esource-(P)lanning

-System for the knitting and cut&sew industry to manage the resources of personnel, equipment, materials, information and communication technology.

DOKUplan seeks to ensure a more efficient operational value creation process and a constantly optimized control of the business and operational processes.

DOKUplan is developed for the following industries of knitting and cut&sew specifically:



Quantity-registration for assortments, sets and styles
based on forcasts, projections, firm-orders and warehouse-orders (NOS

(N)ever (O)ut of (S)tock


customer basic-data
order processing: scheduling, confirmation, packaging-instruction

Monitoring in production-levels: knitting, finishing, dying, cutting, embroidery, sewing, packaging

material-stock management, material ordering, manufacturing-order management with attendance-papers and barcode-registrations, based on dyelot and technical-parameter;
quality assurance based on production-level;
subcontractor handling;

Warehouse management, commissioning of customer-orders

documents for delivery, transport and billing;
agent commission;

Payroll for performance-linked payment and bonus wages

Registration of attendance times, holidays ..., wage-types and operations

Online permanent "production meeting"

Distributed objects are processed based on the scheduling of production-levels in the predetermined sequence