Pattern-System |DOKUknit for flat-knitting-machines

The experience of 30 years programming of flat knitting machines are bundled in DOKUKnit.


one time Pattern-development

Typically for all different kind of flat-knitting-machines, a special pattern-design-system is needed. For every system you spend another time for patterndeveolopment.

In DOKUknit only one time for developing is needed. The different machine compilers will process the machine codes automatically.

The Information from different sources coming automatically together for generating a pattern program


The shape is the base for all patterns

different ways to create shapes in a easy way are available

Special kind of paintfunctions made for creating knitting designs

In struture layer and shape layer all colors and motivs of colors are representing knitting functions which are organized in a database.

In design layer only the color of the design is used

Edit existing patterns in machine language, undependend where they come from.

Shown here the Editor for Stoll machine language, including simulation with real stitch and yarn thread presentation.

Have a look to Dokuknit online Help

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